The Hothouse Yoga Teacher Training: By Emma Kittle

If you feel any sort of calling to do this training, do it. Trust yourself. Saying yes to this journey truly changed my life and has been the catalyst for so many amazing events and opportunities.

Before the training I was hanging onto a lot of rigid energy. I was trying to force myself down a path I didn’t fully believe in because I didn’t know how to slow down and ask for guidance. Through the HHY TT I learned surrender, I learned acceptance and I learned how to let go of and walk away from things that were no longer serving me.

If “not knowing enough” is whats keeping you away, please allow me to bridge the gap. I literally had NO yoga experience when I decided to join. I had taken only 1 studio class before signing up. While I was by far the least flexible and least experienced student in the class, I never once felt out of place, that I didn’t know enough or that I wasn’t prepared enough to be there. I feel so lucky that this is the program I walked into. Honestly, walking in the door on the first day is the scariest part. But once you’re in, you’re family.

As an athlete, I have been trained to always push myself further and harder. This was the first time I really had the space to slow down and listen to my body. It was a very important lesson to learn as it is what I now teach professional athletes how to do today.

Although life has pulled me away from HHY, I always rely on and return to the lessons I learned on my mat with Maureen and Darcy.

I told Maureen I could write her a novel for all the amazing things this training has given to me but I’ll keep it short-ish and close with this.

There is a deep powerful knowing in each of us. To get to that power you have to take a trip into the dark jungles of ourselves. This training is your guide through the jungle.

Sign up, buy a journal, allow yourself to be broken open and celebrate the fact that you’re about to go on the journey of a lifetime.

