224 S. Clinton St. Iowa City, IA.
319-351-9642 | info@hothouseyoga.com
parking garage across the street (first hour is free - please do not park at Starbucks, meters are free after 6 pm),
showers, rentals (mats, mat towels, shower towels),
water and coconut water available for purchase.
please register for classes in advance. All class registrations open 2 days prior and booking is open between the hours of 5 am and 9:30 pm. there is no booking available outside of those hours.
Late-Cancel/No-Show Policy:
Classes must be canceled in more than 1 hour prior to class time. If you cancel in 1 hour or less or if you fail to show up to class, you will be subject to a $20 fee and will lose your class credit.
All purchases are non-refundable/non-transferable. If you cancel class during the early cancellation window, the class credit will be on your Mindbody profile to use at a later date. (Walk-in classes and class cards are valid for 1 year from purchase date)